Securing Your Data


In these 21st centuary technology is being more advanced , which is very important to keep our information safe and secure.The Internet has become an essential tool  and as a part of our everyday lives .We rely on it to send /receives emails, post /share photos and messahes on social networking sites , shop , search information and so on. But how we do all these online activities affect your privacy?

Your online privacy depends on your ability to control your information that you provide.
Unfortunately , due to the casual and careless  activities that leads us vulnerable to identify theft and invasion of your privacy from both legitimate and illegitimate  sources.Because of your personal information ( email. phone, social security number, other personally identifiable information, is worth a lot of money) which may be steal by theft .

Here is the best ways to do this is to change your passwords on all of your accounts on a regular basis.The following tips will help you to keep your sensitive information protected. Follow these easy tips to secure all your accounts .

1 Secure password
-always create  a strong password and donot reuse the password for other sites . Almost every people are using a child's name or pet's name that everyone knows as thei your password. If you are doing this stop it . create a stong and unique password that no one could guess . Never ever reuse  the  passwords.

2.Internet fishing
This is a very common term in the online community that fool the people into they are logging into everyday websites but in relaity they areentering a copy sites that gathers all data like(home address, full names, telephone numbers,email address, social media links)

3.Two Factor Authentication
This is the type of security that requires two step  verification for logins. 2 FA provides better security and helps to maintains privacy. It makes harder for an attacker to attack on your systems.

4.keep personal and business file separate

5.Be careful of who to trust

6.monitor account



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