First Humanoid Robot

Sophia Robot

It is a humanoid robot developed by the Honk Kong base company  Hanson Robotics. It was activated in april 19 2015. She can display  more than 50 different facial expressions. She is very popular among the world and has been taken for high-profile interviews.
In October 2017 , she became a citizen of Saudi Arabia. She is the first robot to achieve citizenship in the world.According to the developers, she uses Artificial Intelligence, Voice Recognitions, Visual Data Processing and Facial Recognition. Camera of Sophia eyes combined with computers algorithms allow her to see. Sophia can follow faces, sustain eye contact and recognize individuals.
Sophia is interviewed as same as human beings. Some replies has been nonsense replies but others has impressed interviewers. She is media favourite for giving several interviews. She has sung on a concert. She has interest in business and has meet different industry leaders face-to-face  from banking, insurance, media etc.She has more rights than women of saudi arabia.

                                                     THANK    YOU!!!


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